Grow, For Good

Social Impact Reporting

Consumers are increasingly making purchasing decisions based upon the views and actions of those providing the products and services they need.

They want to support companies that are aligned with their personal beliefs—whether regarding the environment, social issues, or any number of internal or public policies. So do potential shareholders and investors.

Clean Energy Illustration with Light Bulb and recycle and lightning icons

Consumers and investors want to know that the businesses they support are contributing to the benefit of society

Accurately and thoughtfully conveying these critical aspects of your organization is becoming standard practice—both for attracting  customers, and for staying ahead of ever-changing regulatory mandates. 

Attract & Engage Consumers

83% of consumers consider companies’ impact on the world when making a purchasing decision, according to a recent analysis by PwC.

They want businesses to play larger roles in bringing about progress regarding environmental, social, and governance issues—and will reward those that do!

Impress Shareholders & Investors

Every year, more companies decide to report on their social and environmental impacts for a variety of reasons, including emerging regulatory mandates. 

Many shareholders and investors require this information to make informed decisions for ethical investing.

Demand for impact investing is growing!

Create a Virtuous Cycle of Good

Doing good is reward in itself, but there’s power in letting the world know the positive impact your company is having.

Tell consumers, customers, shareholders, investors and the public how you’re helping to reshape the world and make a positive impact.

Believe the research—they want to know and will reward you in kind!

Hypha is a New York-based, purpose-driven HubSpot Partner Agency striving to make a positive impact.

The motto of our company is Grow For Good™, and its philosophy resides in everything we do.

We pride ourselves on amplifying the messages and missions of organizations that are trying to help spark positive change in the world—whether through their products and services or the causes they champion.

We do so with collectively decades of award-winning storytelling and design experience under our belts and a relentless passion to make a positive difference.

Our team shares your dream!

Testaments to this are our many projects and initiatives created toward this goal:

  • Our award-winning social justice podcast News Beat
  • Our co-Founding Partnership of digital accessibility and inclusion resource nexus InclusionHub
  • Our ongoing journey to achieve B Corp certification
  • Our internal policies and initiatives to improve Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI)
  • Our clients, who reflect a broad spectrum of industries and causes
Screenshots of News Beat home page and Inclusion Hub home page

Want an in-depth look at a Social Impact Report?

Download the 2022 Hypha HubSpot Development Impact Report.

Frequently Asked Questions

Consumers and stakeholders want to support businesses that are positively impacting the world.

Let us help you tell that story.

Contact us today to meaningfully convey your story to the world and amplify your impact!